На Нива ГЭС-3 ПАО «ТГК-1» закончен капитальный ремонт гидроагрегата
Full repair of hydroelectric unit No. 3 has been completed at Niva HPP-3 of TGC-1. The repair operations of impeller and distributor were performed, air and oil coolers and pipelines of technical water supply system were replaced in due time.
"The performed work will improve reliability of the equipment and power supply to consumers in general. The hydraulic unit will be put into operation upon the completion of complex testing," said Oleg Potankin, Chief Engineer of the Niva HPPs Cascade of TGC-1.
Repair and Maintenance Program of TGC-1 is aimed at providing safe and continuing equipment operation, improving efficient performance of power plants and raising the environmental safety.
Niva HPP-3 is a part of the Niva HPPs Cascade of TGC-1. The HPP's turbine hall is 70 metres below the ground level. The HPP's installed capacity is 155.5 MW.
TGC-1 is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the Northwest of Russia. The Company comprises the electric power plants within four entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Region and the Murmansk Region.