На Северной ТЭЦ ПАО «ТГК-1» завершена реконструкция энергоблока

15 December 2017 года

The specialists of Severnaya CHPP completed the major repair of the power unit No. 5. The worn-off components and details were replaced and the technical diagnosis was carried out with approval for its further operation.

During the renovation, a complex of automated process control systems was installed on thermal and mechanical and electric equipment. Moreover, the oil circuit breakers of 6kV in the In-House Switchgear were replaced with vacuum ones.

"During the investment project implementation, we not only did a great job on the refurbishment of the power unit equipment but also significantly improved the workstation of our employees: the narrow-focused devices and self-recorders gave place to computer displays. These changes will positively influence the reliability of the overall facility's operation," explained Petr Chepelev, Director of Severnaya CHPP.


TGC-1 is a leading producer of electric and heat energy in the North-West region of Russia. It comprises 53 power plants in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts. 19 of them are located within the Arctic Circle. Their installed electric capacity is 6.95 GW, thermal — 13.65 thousand Gcal/h.