В Музее Академии им. Штиглица открылась выставка «ТГК-1» «Техника в разной технике»

21 December 2017 года
Директор ПАО "ТГК-1" Алексей Барвинок на открытии выставки

On 21 December 2017, Technics in Various Techniques exhibition was opened in the Applied Arts Museum at Stieglitz Academy. The exhibition, supported by the Government of the Leningrad Oblast, included the best works of the plein airs at TGC-1’s hydroelectric power plants. 

"It's not by accident that we decided to open this exhibition just before the Energy Day. This is the darkest period in a year. At that time, the labour of the energy workers — these people who bring warmth and light to our homes — is especially valued. Pictures, presented at the exhibition, express the beauty, monumentality and power of our plants," noted Alexey Barvinok, General Director of TGC-1, "Together with artists we are reviving the tradition of the industrial landscape but in a modern interpretation."

The project was also timed to coincide the 90th anniversary of the Leningrad Oblast, where seven TGC-1 HPPs are located, including Volkhovskaya HPP, the pilot project of GOELRO plan.

"It is impossible to imagine the development of the region without energy industry. Notably, the HPPs in the Leningrad Oblast were the first plants that attracted artists' attention, the very event took place in the Year of Ecology — and HPP energy is one of the greenest energies," noted Yuri Vasiliev, the President of Saint Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

From August to October 2017, 50 artists from Russia and neighbouring countries visited TGC-1 power plants. The artists worked not only in machine halls, but also outdoors: at the banks of the rivers where one can find picturesque views of energy facilities. During the project, more than 100 works on Industrial Landscape and Production Facilities themes were created. The styles and techniques varied from oil painting to digital design.

"The word 'Industry' is not only a part of the name of our academy but also has a special meaning for each of us. Today we saw a unique event — the opening of the exhibition dedicated exclusively to power-generating facilities," said Anna Kislitsina, the Acting Rector of Stieglitz Academy, "We are very pleased that such big company as TGC-1 has chosen our museum as a showcase for these works. This event will become the starting point for good traditions, which will continue in the future"!

The end of the ceremony was marked by the signature of an Agreement between TGC-1 and Stieglitz Academy of Arts and Crafts, according to which students and professors of the Academy will visit TGC-1 energy-generating facilities in the Republic of Karelia and the Murmansk Oblast.


TGC-1 is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West region of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.

The Technics in Various Techniques exhibition will be held in the White Hall of the Stieglitz Academy of Arts and Crafts from 22 to 29 December inclusive. The museum is opened for visitors: from 11 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday – Saturday; on Sundays and Mondays the museum is closed. Free entrance.

Applied Arts Museum at Stieglitz Academy of Arts and Crafts is one of the most interesting and unique cultural monuments in Russia. It is an integral part of the academy which is an alma mater for many artists working in various fields of monumental and decorative art. This turns the Academy into an educational, cultural and exhibition centre.

Federal State Institution of Higher Education Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design (Stieglitz Academy) is one of the most reputable academies in Russia. It trains the specialists in the fields of fine arts, crafts and design. The Academy was founded in 1876 for the money donated by Baron Alexander von Stieglitz.