ПАО «ТГК-1» увеличило выработку электроэнергии на 16,7% по итогам I квартала 2018 года
Electricity output of TGC-1, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP, for Q1 2018 comprised 8,817.8 million kWh, which is 16.7% more than for the same period of 2017.
TGC-1 electricity output summary (million kWh)
1Q 2017 | 1Q 2018 | Difference | |
Nevsky branch | 4,850.3 | 5,862.0 | 20.9% |
Karelsky branch | 925.9 | 1,069.1 | 15.5% |
Kolsky branch | 1,775.1 | 1,879.3 | 5.9% |
TGC-1 total | 7,551.3 | 8,810.4 | 16.7% |
PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 6.84 | 7.39 | 8.1% |
TGC-1 total, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 7,558.1 | 8,817.8 | 16.7% |
Electricity output of CHPPs increased by 18.5% due to market conditions of wholesale electricity and capacity market and increased load of the stations upon the request of the System Operator of Unified Power System. The comparable electricity output by HPPs increased by 13.9% due to the higher water content at all branches.
For Q1 2018, heat output of TGC-1, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP, comprised 10,451.9 thousand Gcal, which is 10.2% higher compared to 1Q2017. Increase in heat output was caused by climatic factors.
TGC-1 Heat Output Summary (thousand Gcal)
1Q 2017 | 1Q 2018 | Difference | |
Nevsky branch | 7,478.2 | 8,302.2 | 11.0% |
Karelsky branch | 674.6 | 759.6 | 12.6% |
Kolsky branch | 534.5 | 559.1 | 4.6% |
TGC-1 total | 8,687.3 | 9,620.9 | 10.7% |
PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 797.7 | 831.0 | 4.2% |
TGC-1 total, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 9,485.1 | 10,451.9 | 10.2% |
For more information about the results of the company’s production activities, please visit the Reports section of the corporate website.
TGC-1 is the leading producer of electricity and heat in the North-West region of Russia. It operates 53 electric generating stations in four regions of Russia: St. Petersburg, Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast, and Murmansk Oblast.
TGC-1 installed electric capacity of the Company’s stations amounts to 6.95 GW and heating capacity of 13.65 thousand Gcal/hr. Major shareholders are Gazprom Energoholding LLC (51.79 %) and Fortum Power and Heat Oy (29.45 %). Total headcount of the Company, including subsidiaries, totals circa 7 thousand.