ПАО «ТГК-1» представляет производственные показатели за I полугодие 2018 года
Electricity generation of TGC-1 for six months of 2018, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP, comprised 15,902.2 million kWh, which is 9.6% more than in the respective period of 2017.
Summary data on electricity generation of TGC-1 (million kWh)
| H1 2017 | H1 2018 | Variance |
The Nevsky Branch | 9,000.1 | 10,074.6 | +11.9% |
The Karelsky Branch | 1,878.2 | 2,079.4 | +10.7% |
The Kolsky Branch | 3,625.3 | 3,738.6 | +3.1% |
Branches of TGC-1, total | 14,503.7 | 15,892.6 | +9.6% |
PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 9.0 | 9.7 | +7.2% |
Total, TGC-1 including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 14,512.7 | 15,902.2 | +9.6% |
Total electricity output at combined heat and power plants in H1 2018 was mainly caused by positive conditions in the wholesale heat and electricity power market, which provided high performance in Q1 2018. Comparable electricity generation by HPPs increased by 9.6%, which was caused by higher water content in the regions throughout the reporting period.
Summary data per heat output of TGC-1 (thousand Gcal)
| H1 2017 | H1 2018 | Variance |
The Nevsky Branch | 11,258.4 | 11,428.2 | +1.5% |
The Karelsky Branch | 1,017.6 | 1,043.6 | +2.6% |
The Kolsky Branch | 881.2 | 819.2 | -7.0% |
Branches of TGC-1, total | 13,157.1 | 13,290.9 | +1.0% |
PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 1,323.0 | 1,284.8 | -2.9% |
Total, TGC-1 including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP | 14,480.1 | 14,575.8 | +0.7% |
For H1 2018, heat output of TGC-1 including Murmanskaya CHPP comprised 14,575.8 thousand Gcal, which is 0.7% more compared to 2017. Heat energy supply remained at the level of H1 2017, as in H1 2017 the base was high due to a long heating period and efficient work in the first quarter of 2018.
More details of the company's production performance can be found on the corporate website in the Reports section.
TGC-1 is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.
The installed electric power capacity of TGC-1 is 6.95 GW, heat capacity — 14.53 thousand Gcal/h. Major Shareholders: Gazprom Energoholding LLC (51.79%) and Fortum Power and Heat Oy (29.45%). The total headcount of the Company and its subsidiaries is about seven thousand employees.