ПАО «ТГК-1» приняло участие в заседании рабочей группы Российско-Эстонской комиссии по охране и рациональному использованию трансграничн

2 August 2018 года

A meeting of the work group for complex management of water resources of the Joint Russian-Estonian Commission for Protection and Sustainable Use of Transboundary Waters took place in Tallinn (the Republic of Estonia) on 30-31 July 2018

A meeting of the work group for complex management of water resources of the Joint Russian-Estonian Commission for Protection and Sustainable Use of Transboundary Waters took place in Tallinn (the Republic of Estonia) on 30-31 July 2018. The Russian delegation included representatives of TGC-1, administrations of Leningrad and Pskov Oblasts, territorial units of Rosvodresursy, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor and Roshydromet.

- The important questions, which we have discussed, included the results of the water economic practice implemented in the basin of Narva and the state of hydrotechnical structures of the Narva hydraulic power system being under the authority of TGC-1 - Oleg Medvedev, Director of Narvskaya HPP of TGC-1 said. -We informed our colleagues about the  ecological actions, training and instructions, which have been implemented and are planned at the Company's facilities.

The participants approved the report for the meeting of the Joint Russian-Estonian Commission for Protection and Sustainable Use of Transboundary Waters, as only coordinated actions provide for efficient protection and use of the transboundary water resources.


Narvskaya HPP of TGC-1 is located on the Narva River in Ivangorod City of Kingisepp District of Leningrad Oblast, at the border between the Russian Federation and Estonia. When the Republic of Estonia seceded from the USSR, the boundary line between the national territories was laid along the Narva River. As a result, the main HPP structures, namely the headquarters with the turbine hall, auxiliary structures and a half of the reinforced concrete dam remained at the territory of Russia, while the second half of the reinforced concrete dam and two water retaining dams - at the territory of the Republic of Estonia.

TGC-1 controls one half of the dam, the right-bank dam, the turbine hall with hydraulic turbines and switchgears.

Narvskaya HPP generates electricity for transmission to the unified power system of Russia, as well as for covering daily peak power loads of the region, being at the same time an emergency backup source of electricity supply for own needs in the power supply of Leningrad NPP. It is the only hydropower plant of the diversion type in Leningrad Oblast with the total installed capacity of 124.8 MW.