На Верхне-Туломской ГЭС ПАО «ТГК-1» произведен демонтаж рабочего колеса
On 25 September 2018, the impeller of the hydroelectric generating unit No. 4 was dismantled as part of the upgrade of TGC-1's Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP.
- Dismantling of the impeller is a landmark symbolising the beginning of a key stage of the project important for Murmansk Oblast's energy system. The most powerful Subarctic HPP will receive new equipment and new control technologies, which will improve its reliability and create additional capacities for the regional development - Igor Patsan, Director of the Tuloma and Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade of TGC-1 noted. - At present, dismantling of the old equipment and delivery of the new equipment take place. The new impeller has already passed acceptance at the manufacturing plant.
The upgrade includes step-by-step replacement of hydro-generating and electric equipment with increase in capacity of each of the four hydroelectric generating units by 8 MW. Taking into account the importance of Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP for Murmansk Oblast's energy system, high requirements were set for the project: the new equipment meets the modern standards for reliability, safety and ecology.
The dismantled impeller will become the basis for the monument on the territory of Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP as a symbol of continuous renovation of TGC-1's power facilities.
Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP of TGC-1 forms part of the Tuloma and Serebryanskiye HPPs Cascade and was commissioned in 1964. The HPP plays a key role in Murmansk Oblast's energy system being the main regulating plant. Before 1975 the plant was a frequency regulator in the Kola energy system. Today it takes part in the automatic regulation system of electricity transmission to Karelia and performs a function of an instantaneous reserve for the Nortern energy region. HPP's installed capacity is 268 MW. The unique specifics of Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP is its underground location. The turbine hall is located underground at the depth of 50 metres.
TGC-1 (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.