Апатитская ТЭЦ ПАО «ТГК-1» отмечает юбилей
23 May 2019 marks the 60th anniversary of the commissioning of TGC-1's Apatitskaya CHPP, the largest heat supply plant in Murmansk Oblast and the only source of heat supply in the cities of Apatity and Kirovsk.
The main directions of the plant's development are improvement of equipment efficiency and environmental indicators and maintenance of reliability of heat and power generation. Apatitskaya CHPP implements a programme of major, medium, and current repairs of main and auxiliary equipment on an annual basis.
Over the past five years, such projects as the construction of a heating main to the city of Kirovsk, upgrade of fuel supply, introduction of a technological information exchange system with the automated System Operator and an installation to improve the quality of hot water supply and the reliability of heat supply grids were carried out.
"Reducing the impact on the environment is of key importance for us. Thanks to the upgrade of production equipment, the flue gas treatment ratio has been lowered to 97%; ash and slag waste is effectively disposed of, and water intake and discharge into surface water bodies are excluded," said Director of Apatitskaya CHPP of TGC-1 Aleksander Sobakin. "I would like to highlight the professionalism of Company staff. We focus on training and development of both personnel and the mentoring system."
For reference
Apatitskaya CHPP (Kirovskaya GRES before 1991) is a part of TGC-1's Kolsky branch and the only source of heat supply in the cities of Apatity and Kirovsk. Its installed electric capacity amounts to 230 MW, and installed heat capacity to 535 Gcal/h. Coal is the main fuel type.
The first high-pressure heat plant in the Kola power system. It was established during a period of acute electricity shortages in the Arctic caused by low rivers and important for the chemical industry of the region. Among the largest consumers of Apatitskaya CHPP are an apatite-nepheline concentrating plant (ANOF-2) and mining facilities of the Apatit factory.
TGC-1 is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. The Company comprises power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, and Leningrad and Murmansk oblasts. TGC-1's Kolsky branch includes 17 hydroelectric power plants and Apatitskaya CHPP.