Лучшие практики работы с должниками обсудили представители крупнейших энергических компаний Северо-Запада, Москвы, и других регионов Рос
Representatives of the largest energy companies of North-West, Moscow and other regions of Russia discussed the best work practices regarding debtors
On 27 June 2019, as part of the Russian International Energy Forum a discussion meeting was held on the subject of "Dealing with debtors. Positive practices" organised by TGC-1 in the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The industry experts, representatives of the supplying enterprises (Gazprom Energoholding LLC, TGC-1, PJSC OGK-2, PJSC MOEK) and managing companies exchanged best practices regarding consumer debt reduction regarding public utilities and discussed issues of the housing and utility.
"Finding ways of debts repayment regarding utilities is only possible by joining efforts. On one hand, legal aspects are to be considered. On the other hand, it is important to increase awareness and responsibility of the citizens regarding housing improvements and comfort zone expansion," said Elena Mikhailova, Head of the Legal Matters Department of TGC-1.
In the conclusion of the discussion there was an award ceremony held for the Interregional Contest Outstanding House Manager on the results of the heat consumer ratings for 2018. In St. Petersbutg the awards were given to the Chairmen of HOA 9 Plovdivskaya, HCC No. 1218, HCC No. 667, HOA U Fontana and General Director of JSC Servis-Nedvizhimost. In Murmansk Oblast Chairman of HCC Murmansk 85-18 was awarded with honours for the excellent payment discipline and energy saving technology implementation. In Petrozavodsk the Director of HC Firma Komfort LLC was awarded.
If you wish to view the rating of utility providers as well as the procedure for restricting heat supply to enterprises, commercial companies and non-residential premises, please visit TGC-1 website.
TGC-1 is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 53 electric power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.
Outstanding House Manager is the project developed to promote best H&U practices and improve the discipline of payments for supplied resources, as well as to establish the unified platform for experience exchange between power specialists, public authorities and managers of Housing and Utility.