В Санкт-Петербурге подписан Протокол по регулированию озера Инари
February 12, 2020, in St. Petersburg the representatives of Russia, Norway and Finland have signed the Protocol for Water Regime Regulation of Lake Inari (Finland) which is used by Russian and Norwegian HPPs.
TGC-1 at the meeting was represented by Gennady Semenov, Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales, Stanislav Nazarov, Director of the Kolsky Branch, and Pavel Ivashintsov, Head of the Department for Planning and Operations in the Wholesale Electricity Market.
The parties have discussed co-regulation of Lake Inari water management, determined optimal operating modes for HPPs and agreed 2020 water outflow schedules.
The trilateral agreement on Lake Inari water management by means of Kaytakoski HPP was signed in 1959 by the governments of the USSR, Norway, and Finland. The subject of the agreement was water level control in Lake Inari (Finland), and on the Paz River, flowing out of the lake and passing through Finland, Russia, and Norway.
The river hosts seven HPPs, five of which make part of the Paz HPPs Cascade (TGC-1) and two others are the part of the Norwegian energy industry.