Энергетики готовятся к весенне-летнему паводку
TGC-1 discussed the power plant readiness for the flood water passage. The meeting was attended by the Company management, chief engineers of TGC-1 structural subdivisions and branches, EMERCOM representatives, and the North-West Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.
“This year, in terms of hydrology the situation is seen as abnormal. There were no such phenomena that we have recorded on rivers since the beginning of November 2019 for the entire observation period. Our task is to ensure accident-free passage of flood waters and smooth waterworks operation, taking into consideration such a complex hydrological situation,” said Alexey Vorobyev, Chief Engineer of TGC-1.
“River ice dissolution and water level rising are currently ongoing in the Leningrad Oblast. According to the forecast for March, the air temperature will be 2-4 degrees above ordinary value. The cold weather will return for a while, so the flood is expected to be multi-peak,” said Marina Bogdan, Head of the Division for Hydrological and Marine Forecasts of the North-West Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Federal State Budgetary Institution.
In order to pass the flood period as planned, the water level in the HPP reservoirs is currently being controlled. Power engineers continuously monitor the waterworks condition.
TGC-1 (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is a leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises a number of power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, and Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.
The meeting of the Commission on Emergency Prevention, Response and Fire Safety has been held at the initiative of TGC-1 since 2010. These meetings allow to coordinate the actions of all services responsible for prevention of the negative consequences of floods and fires.
In 2020, among the participants there were representatives of the EMERCOM territorial bodies, the North-West Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Federal State Budgetary Institution, chief engineers of HPPs and CHPPs located in St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, and Murmansk and Leningrad Oblasts. The interaction of authorities is one of the main factors in flood management. The main task of power engineers is to ensure reliable and accident-free operation of waterworks and power plants during the flood period, as well as to optimally use the region’s water power resources.