На самой мощной ТЭЦ Санкт-Петербурга завершился капитальный ремонт газотурбинной установки
TGС-1 has completed the overhaul of the gas turbine unit (GTU) at Yuzhnaya CHPP, the most powerful combined heat and power plant in St. Petersburg.
The works performed allowed to increase the reliability and safety of operation of the plant equipment.
During the works, which lasted for two months, the experts diagnosed the equipment, eliminated the defects, replaced individual components, and completed the repair of the gas supply and automatic control systems of the GTU.
Yuzhnaya CHPP of TGC-1 was commissioned on February 8, 1978. The CHPP provides power and heat to industrial enterprises, residential and public buildings of Moskovsky, Frunzensky and Nevsky districts of St. Petersburg, including developing neighborhoods Kupchino and Rybatskoe. Today, over 900 thousand people are warmed by heat of Yuzhnaya CHPP, and the electricity generated is supplied to the unified energy system of Russia. Installed electric capacity of Yuzhnaya CHPP 1207 MWe, installed heating capacity is 2353 Gcal/h.
TGC-1 (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is the leading producer and supplier of electric and heat energy in the Northwest of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 52 power plants in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, and Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.