Глава «Газпром энергохолдинга» Денис Федоров и губернатор Мурманской области Андрей Чибис проверили работу Серебрянских ГЭС в период пав

29 June 2020 года

On June 10, 2020, Denis Fedorov, the General Director of Gazprom Energoholding, and Andrey Chibis, the Governor of the Murmansk Region, inspected the operation of the Serebryansky HPPs during the flood.

On June 10, 2020, Denis Fedorov, the General Director of Gazprom Energoholding, and Andrey Chibis, the Governor of the Murmansk Region, inspected the operation of the Serebryansky HPPs during the flood.

On June 9, there was still a high inflow at the Serebryansky Reservoir, but the water level upstream the Serebryansky HPP-1 stabilized at around 153.9 m, which does not exceed the norm. Together with the Kola Regional Dispatch Office, the full load of the Serebryansky HPP-1 was provided with the maximum water passage through its water escape structures. According to forecasts by the Meteorological Center, the flood peak is expected on June 8 to 10.

According to Denis Fedorov, the General Director of Gazprom Energoholding, LLC, “The situation is difficult, but controllable. Our Company regularly monitors the current and forecast floods. We have prepared, planned, and already taken measures based on various scenarios. We have studies solution options if a high inflow is maintained. This work is carried out in close cooperation with the Ministry of Energy of Russia, grid organizations, and the Government of the Murmansk Region.”

Andrey Chibis, the Governor of the Murmansk Region: “A possible emergency situation was predicted in a timely manner and, due to the operational cooperation with the managers of Gazprom Energoholding, Territorial Generation Company No. 1, the Ministry of Energy, all measures have been taken for the hydraulic facilities to work efficiently. We expect that the volume of water will decrease. No industrial facilities and settlements fall into the area of possible flooding. However, all scenarios have been studied; the road to the Tumanny Village has been closed in advance; the necessary food supply has been prepared in the village.”

A 24-hour monitoring of the reservoir levels is ongoing at Serebryansky HPP-1 and HPP-2. In cooperation with the regional government, the Ministry of Emergencies in the Murmansk Region, and the administration of the Kola District, an action plan has been coordinated, the public information has been organized, the entrance to the Tumanny Village has been temporarily restricted.

For reference

The Serebryansky HPP-1 and the Serebryansky HPP-2 are part of the Cascade of Tuloma and Serebryansky HPPs of the TGC-1, PJSC. The hydroelectric power plants operate at the peak of the load schedule, perform frequency control functions, serve as an emergency power reserve of the Kola power system. The capacity of the Serebryansky HPP-1 is 201 MW; that of Serebryansky HPP-2, 156 MW. 

The hydroelectric power plants are located on the Voronya River in the Kola District of the Murmansk Region near the Tumanny Village. The Lovozero Lake is a natural reservoir for the hydroelectric power plants. On June 7, 2020, due to intense snow melting on the Lovozero Lake, there was a sharp increase in the water inflow to the Serebryansky Reservoir.