ПАО «ТГК-1» повысило надежность работы основного оборудования на Кондопожской ГЭС

6 August 2020 года

According to the TGC-1 PJSC’s repair and maintenance programme, the overhaul of hydroelectric generating unit No. 1 has been completed at one of the oldest hydroelectric power plants in Russia and the firstborn of electrification in Karelia: the Kondopozhskaya HPP.

According to the TGC-1 PJSC’s repair and maintenance programme, the overhaul of hydroelectric generating unit No. 1 has been completed at one of the oldest hydroelectric power plants in Russia and the firstborn of electrification in Karelia: the Kondopozhskaya HPP.

According to Evgeny Lopatin, Director of the Suna HPPs Cascade TGC-1 PJSC, “At the end of comprehensive tests, the hydroelectric generating unit was put into operation. The repair of this equipment will increase the plant operation reliability.”

Power engineers repaired working wheel, pressures chambers, turbine scroll, fast shutter lifting mechanism, turbine bearing seals, and turbine cover. Some of the equipment was repaired at the factory and assembled at the HPP.

In addition, TGC-1 PJSC’s experts are regularly upgrading the production facilities with renovation of core and auxiliary equipment.


Kondopozhskaya HPP is the firstborn of electrification in Karelia. It was built under the Lenin’s GOELRO plan. Kondopozhskaya HPP building has been recognized as an architectural monument. The HPP installed capacity is 25.6 MW.

Previously, the HPP implemented hydroelectric generating unit control methods using an electromechanical speed governor drive of the hydroelectric generating unit, that are unique under the world energy standards.

TGC-1 PJSC is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat power in the North-West of Russia. It comprises 52 power plants within four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts. 19 of them are located inside the Arctic Circle. The rated electric capacity is 6.92 GWe, and the heat capacity is 13.49 thousand GCal/hour.