ПАО «ТГК-1» завершило капремонт гидроагрегата на первой подземной ГЭС России Нива ГЭС-3
TGC-1 PJSC has completed the scheduled overhaul of 29.5 MW hydroelectric generating unit no. 2 at Lesogorskaya HPP, one of the oldest power plants in Russia, to increase the reliability of the plant’s equipment.
Engineers repaired the working wheel of the turbine, with the servomotor being industrially improved, and restored characteristics of the main components at the hydroelectric generating unit.
For reference:
Lesogorskaya HPP has been put into operation on 19 December 1937. It is located on the Vuoksi River near Lesogorskiy village, 185 km north-west of Saint Petersburg. Its installed capacity is 118 MW.
TGC-1 PJSC (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat power in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 52 power plants across four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.