ПАО «ТГК-1» заняло I место в отраслевом рейтинге социальной эффективности среди энергетических компаний

24 August 2020 года

AK&M Rating Agency has released the third Social Efficiency Ranking of major Russian corporations for 2019, with TGC-1 ranking first in the Energy sector.

Светогорская ГЭС ПАО "ТГК-1". Фото: Александр Алексеев.

AK&M Rating Agency has released the third Social Efficiency Ranking of major Russian corporations for 2019, with TGC-1 ranking first in the Energy sector.

The rating agency used open corporate data for 2019, including annual reports, sustainability reports, consolidated financial statements, and data obtained from the corporations through surveying.

“AK&M ranking evaluates social efficiency of the largest Russian companies and aims to identify the best of them, reveal those corporations that do the most good for society with the lowest environmental impact and find a balance between stress the enterprises cause to environment and their positive effect for society,” the AK&M release says.

For reference:

Launched in 1993, Analysis, Consulting and Marketing Rating Agency, CJSC is the leading independent national rating agency in Russia. АК&M Rating Agency, CJSC is accredited with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Order no. 452 dd 17 September 2010) and is included in the register of accredited rating agencies operated by the Central Bank of Russia.

TGC-1 PJSC (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is the leading producer and supplier of electricity and heat power in the North-West of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 52 power plants across four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad and Murmansk Oblasts.