TGC-1 finished a series of test runs of a new hydro unit at Lesogorskaya HPP
TGC-1 announces that it successfully finished pre-commissioning testing of a new 29.5MW hydraulic unit at Lesogorskaya hydroelectric power plant (HPP) of Vuoksa cascade in the Leningrad region. The main equipment and automatic control system of the new turbine have worked in a normal mode during the tryout. Currently the final tune-up is underway at the station as it readies for commercial operation.
This is the second new hydraulic unit at Lesogorskaya station and the fourth new unit at Vuoksa cascade that was installed as part of a total overhaul of two hydropower stations of the cascade which envisages the replacement of all 8 hydraulic units.
A number of innovative and unmatched engineering solutions have been implemented during the design and installation of new power units. New turbines are also the most eco-friendly of their kind.
Vuoksa cascade is situated in the Vyborg area of the Leningrad region on the river Vuoksa, the most powerful river of the Karelian isthmus, which flows from lake Saimaa in Finland and falls into lake Ladoga. The cascade was formed in 1949 and united Lesogorskaya and Svetogorskaya HPPs. The stations are the primary source of power of the Karelian isthmus, they produce electricity for the unified energy system of the region and cover daily peaks of consumption. Stations’ dams are also used as bridges to cross the river.
The first new hydro unit of Vuoksa cascade, at Svetogorskaya HPP, was put into operation in May 2009, the second (at Lesogorskaya) in January 2010, the third (at Svetogorskaya) – in July 2010. The total overhaul of the cascade will be complete in 2013. The project is actively supported by the controlling shareholder – Gazprom Energoholding (100% subsidiary of Gazprom).