Новый гидроагрегат Лесогорской ГЭС пустят из Санкт-Петербурга
24 February 2011 года
February 28, 2011 new unit of the Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksa HPPs Cascade will be set in operation from St.Petersburg. New unit capacity is 29.5 MW and this is the second unit being modernized at the power plant. A year ago, January 19, 2010 the first unit was launch there.
Reconstruction of the Vuoksa Cascade plants began in May 2007, when TGC-1 and Power Machines OJSC signed a contract for a full-scale upgrade of equipment to replace all eight hydraulic units at Svetogorskaya and Lesogorskaya hydro power plants.
The objectives of the investment project are:
- Replacement of obsolete and overage equipment
- Reduction in operating costs through the use of state-of-the-art equipment and control systems
- Increase in profits through sales of added electric power, including export sales.