30 мегаватт новой энергии на Лесогорской ГЭС

28 February 2011 года

On February 28, 2011 TGC-1 set new unit of 29,5MW at the Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksi HPPs Cascade

On February 28, 2011 TGC-1 set new unit of 29,5MW at the Lesogorskaya HPP of the Vuoksi HPPs Cascade.  

This is the second unit of the Lesogorskaya HPP and the forth unit in the Vuoksi HPPs Cascade refurbishment program. The project of complex refurbishment of the HPPs Cascade has been started in 2007 and aims to renew 8 units if the cascade. 

Modern technologies allows to set in operation new unit from 180 km distance. The leningrad Oblast authorities and TGC-1 managers are sure that refurbishment of the old units (made in 1940-es) will ensure stability and profit of the region business as well.