На Светогорской ГЭС ТГК-1 завершились испытания очередного нового гидроагрегата

22 November 2011 года

TGC-1 has finished the installation tests of 5th new hydraulic turbine at Svetogorskaya HPP of Vuoksa Cascade within the complex refurbishment project (2007-2013).

TGC-1 has finished the installation tests of 5th new hydraulic turbine at Svetogorskaya HPP of Vuoksa Cascade within the complex refurbishment project (2007-2013).

Total capacity of the new installed agregate is 30.5 MW. The testing included examination of the turbine and engine working in idle stroke, and the usage of the automatic system of turbine and generators control. 

According to Vadim Vederchik, TGC1 Director for Building and Development, the total refurbishment of the Cascade HPPs hydraulic units is possible only with the common help of investors and Leningradskaya Oblsat governement. 

This is the third modernized agregate of the Svetogorskaya hydropower plant installed in two years' time.