На объектах «ТГК-1» внедрен механизм автоматической передачи данных о техническом состоянии оборудования

27 October 2021 года

With it, the data exchange will be faster, and assessment of the equipment condition will take less time.

Within the digitization measures, TGC-1 PJSC together with the experts of United Power Grid Technical Inspection JSC introduced a mechanism of data transfer to the automated system of information collection and processing (AS ICaP) at the power facilities via a unified standard application programming interface (API). With it, the data exchange will be faster, and assessment of the equipment condition will take less time.

The new mechanism will be introduced within the risk-oriented approach to work in heating season. Facility data will be transferred to AS ICaP via API. The system automatically calculates the index of the technical condition and defines the possibility of equipment failure based on the obtained data. As a result, the power system become more reliable.

“By introducing the cutting-edge digital complexes for equipment control, we make a step towards the digital decision-making ecosystem. Quick and high-precision data exchange, real-time monitoring of equipment condition, and ability to make forecasts allows us to improve the procedure of equipment operation and repairs”, emphasized Sergei Ivanov, Director of Management of Production Systems at TGC-1 PJSC.

Risk-oriented approach in power systems is a method for revealing, analysis and assessment of the risk of emergencies based on the equipment condition monitoring in order to secure reliable power supply to consumers.
TGC-1 PJSC (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is the leading producer of electricity and heat power in the Northwest of Russia. It comprises 52 power plants across four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast and Murmansk Oblast. 19 of them are located beyond the Arctic Circle. The installed electric capacity is 6.9 GW, and the heating capacity is 13.5 thous. Gcal/hr.