«ТГК-1» заключила первую международную сделку по продаже «зеленых» сертификатов

24 December 2021 года

This is the first deal between TGC-1 and a foreign company.

TGC-1 PJSC and STX Commodities B.V. from the Netherlands have tied up a sale/purchase agreement for I-REC green certificates.  This is the first deal between TGC-1 and a foreign company.

STX Commodities B.V. is one of the global market leaders, taking on the role of universal provider of ecological solutions for foreign companies and offering ways for production decarbonization. Thus, the partnership between STX Commodities B.V. and TGC-1 will allow supplying electric power generated by hydroelectric stations and confirmed by I-REC green certificates to foreign companies carrying out their activity in the territory of the Russian Federation. General Sale and Purchase Agreement was signed by Max Van Meer, Head of Trading, STX Commodities B.V., and Seregey Saraev, Head of Electricity Sales Department, TGC-1.

“In 2021 TGC-1 has obtained the right for issuing I-REC certificates, has tied up several deals on sale and purchase of green energy and has been actively involved in developing emerging market of green energy in our country. By the end of the year we are holding about a quarter of total Russian market in the volume of issued green certificates. Partnership with foreign companies and consolidating out positions in the global market is the next expectable stage of our work”, said Sergey Saraev.

For reference

TGC-1 PJSC (part of Gazprom Energoholding Group) is the leading company for generation and supply of electricity and heat power in the Northwest of Russia. TGC-1 comprises 52 power plants across four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad and Murmansk Regions.

By contrast to other Russian generating companies, TGC-1 has a unique structure of production assets. Hydrogeneration accounts for 40% of its installed capacity. This includes 40 HPPs with a total capacity of circa 3 000 MW.