Company News

12 March 2019 года

TGC-1 together with Saint Petersburg State University establish the School of Energy Journalism and PR

TGC-1 and Saint Petersburg State University are implementing the School of Energy Journalism and PR education project, which is the manifestation of their continuing long-lasting cooperation

7 March 2019 года

TGC-1 awarded best scientific works of young researchers in the field of journalism and PR

TGC-1 became the official partner of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Media in the Modern World

6 March 2019 года

TGC-1 discussed the readiness of its power plants to the flood water passage

On 5 March 2019, a meeting of the Commission for Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Fire Safety of TGC-1 was held at the Administration

4 March 2019 года

TGC-1's 2018 revenue under RAS raised by 5.1%

TGC-1 published its annual audited accounting (financial) statements for 2018 prepared in compliance with the Russian Accounting Standards.

1 March 2019 года

Karelian energy industry workers are preparing for the flood waters passage

The energy industry workers of TGC-1's Karelsky branch are implementing measures to secure hydraulic structures and to pass flood waters at the hydroelectric power plants

27 February 2019 года

Renovation of a hydroelectric generating unit at TGC-1's Niva HPP-1 was completed

Renovation of hydroelectric generating unit No. 1 at TGC-1's Niva HPP-1 was completed

26 February 2019 года

TGC-1's Interactive Annual Report won the Digital Communications Awards–2019

TGC-1's 2017 Annual Report was awarded in the For Interactivity category in Digital-Media & Tools of the annual Digital Communication AWARDS

13 February 2019 года

The meeting of representatives on the regulation of Lake Inari was held in Norway

The meeting of representatives from Russia, Finland, and Norway on the co-regulation of Lake Inari water management was held on 12 February 2019 in Karasjok in northern Norway

1 February 2019 года

TGC-1 increased electricity output of CHPPs by 4.3% in 2018

At the end of 2018, the volume of electricity production of TGC-1, including PJSC Murmanskaya CHPP, remained at the 2017 level, and amounted to 29,327.3 million kWh.

29 January 2019 года

A monument to the builders of the hydro power plant was opened at TGC-1's Kondopozhskaya HPP on the day of its 90th anniversary

On 29 January, TGC-1's Kondopozhskaya HPP of the the Suna HPPs Cascade — a Russia's oldest hydroelectric power plant and the firstborn of Karelian electrification — celebrated its 90th anniversary