Company News

05 July 2010

TGC-1 releases 1Q 2010 IFRS results

TGC-1 presents unaudited IFRS consolidated financial report for the 1st Quarter 2010 of the Company and its subsidiary – Murmanskaya CHPP.

05 July 2010

TGC-1 releases 1Q 2010 IFRS results

TGC-1 presents unaudited IFRS consolidated financial report for the 1st Quarter 2010 of the Company and its subsidiary – Murmanskaya CHPP.

05 July 2010

TGC-1 releases 1Q 2010 IFRS results

TGC-1 presents unaudited IFRS consolidated financial report for the 1st Quarter 2010 of the Company and its subsidiary – Murmanskaya CHPP.

11 June 2010

TGC-1 releases 2009 IFRS results

TGC-1 presents audited IFRS consolidated financial report for the year ended December 31, 2009 of the Company and its subsidiary – Murmanskaya CHPP.