Company News

23 April 2014

The Matkozhnenskaya HPP film on shortlist for the 4th international Barents Ecological Film Festival

The premier of Karelian film-maker Konstantin Lenchitsky’s film ‘Matkozhnenskaya HPP: Battle against the Elements’ is being staged on 26 April 2014 as part of the competition programme of the Barents International Ecological Film Festival.

23 April 2014

CHPP JSC TGC-1 in St Petersburg transferred to regime of periodic heating

23rd April 2014 from 00:00 11 CHPPs of JSC TGC-1, located in the St Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast, were transferred to the regime of periodic heating. The decision was taken on the basis of instructions of the energy and engineering supply committee.

21 April 2014

The JSC TGC-1 museum is represented at the international conference of corporate museums.

On 21 April 2014, as part of the First International conference “Corporate Museums Today”, a presentation of displays by company museums in Russia was held. Over 80 experts from corporate museums in the oil and gas and energy sector from all regions of Russia gathered to exchange best practices.

15 April 2014

The Board of Directors of TGC-1 recommended its shareholders to pay the dividends for year 2013.

At the general meeting the Board of Directors of TGC-1 considered the report on the results of TGC-1 activity in 2013 and recommended the annual general meeting of shareholders to approve the financial statements for 2013.

09 April 2014

Regions of JSC TGC-1 activity are in the lead by the number of hydroelectric power plants

According to the latest rating released by JSC RusHydro in March 2014, among 40 regions of Russia the Republic of Karelia and the Murmansk Oblast are the leaders in the absolute number of HPPs.

07 April 2014

Alexander Sobakin has been appointed the Director of Apatitskaya CHPP.

On April 7, 2014 Alexander Sobakin, who previously performed the duties of the Chief Engineer, was appointed as the Director of the Apaptitskaya CHPP of JSC TGC-1.

27 March 2014

Training on termination of the emergency situations at the Narvskaya HPP of TGC-1

On the 27 March 2014 training on termination of the emergency situation at hydroelectric power plant under the conditions of flood discharge was carried out at Narvskaya HPP.

20 March 2014

JSC TGC-1 sums up the results of the public auction.

On 20 March 2014 at the Management Unit of JSC TGC-1, an auction was held to sell non-core assets of the company.

03 March 2014

Borisoglebskaya HPP received guests

In anticipation of the anniversary of the north most underground hydroelectric power plant journalists and bloggers from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Murmansk visited Borisoglebskaya HPP.

17 March 2014

TGC-1 IFRS FY 2013 Profit Grew by 8.2%

OJSC TGC-1 releases its abbreviated audited consolidated Financial Statements for the 12 months period, ended December 31, 2013 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).