Company News

29 August 2014 года

Energy experts from TGC-1 and Karelian filmmaker Konstantin Lenchitsky held a creative meeting with young eco photographers

On August 28, 2014, a day before the Green Russia National Environmental Subbotnik, energy experts from TGC-1 and the renowned Karelian filmmaker Konstantin Lenchitsky had a creative meeting with participants of the Creative Photography special summer camp.

28 August 2014 года

The new generation of power engineers received awards from JSC TGC-1

On August 28, 2014 at the Head Office of JSC TGC-1 the award ceremony took place for the winners of the Tenth Annual Competition of graduation projects of higher education institutions of the Northwest.

27 August 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 will award the best power engineering students

On August 28, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Office of JSC TGC-1 the winners of the Tenth Annual Competition of graduation projects among the students of power engineering specialties of higher education institutions of the Northwest will be awarded. During the ceremony, students will present the best projects.

25 August 2014 года

Headrace Tunnel Repair Completed at the Borisoglebskaya HPP of TGC-1

TGC-1 has completed main and auxiliary equipment repairs at the Borisoglebskaya HPP, the world’s most northerly underground hydroelectric power plant. Among other tasks, the company’s specialists drained and repaired the headrace tunnel, which was really unique.

25 August 2014 года

JSC TGC-1 will take part in the All-Russian Environmental Clean-Up Event – Green Russia

On 31st August 2014, the power station #2 of the TGC-1’s Centralnaya CHPP will host the events devoted to environmental consciousness of students and youth within the framework of the All-Russian environmental clean-up event.

21 August 2014 года

TGC-1 took part in 52nd Session of the Joint Russian-Finnish committee on the border water systems use

The 52nd Session of the Joint Russian-Finnish committee on the border water systems use was held in St.Petersburg.

21 August 2014 года

TGC-1 Releases the 6M 2014 Results

JSC TGC-1 releases its abbreviated interim unaudited consolidated Financial Statements for the 6 months period, ended June 30, 2014 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

20 August 2014 года

Commissioning of the second hydro generating unit at the Iovskaya HPP of TGC-1 began

Installation of the new generating equipment at the Iovskaya HPP of the Niva HPPs Cascade of TGC-1 is completed, and commissioning of the second hydro generating unit and adjustment of all hydro station systems began.

18 August 2014 года

Marina Kovtun, Interim Acting Governor of the Murmanskaya Oblast Visited the Murmanskaya CHPP

On August 18, 2014, Marina Kovtun, the Interim Acting Governor of the Murmanskaya Oblast, visited the Murmanskaya CHPP to check the progress of preparation of the largest heat supply company of Murmansk to the new heating season and to have a meeting with the CHPP’s personnel.

18 August 2014 года

Animation and Graphics Contest Turn On Your Brain Begins

JSC TGC-1 announces the start of creative animation and graphics contest. The key topic is energy and energy efficient use.