Company News

27 November 2014

TGC-1 9M 2014 IFRS Revenue remained flat

OJSC TGC-1 releases its abbreviated interim unaudited consolidated Financial Statements for the 9 months period, ended September 30, 2014 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

27 November 2014

Modernisation of TGC-1 Iovskaya HPP is complete

The second hydroelectric unit was launched today at the TGC-1 Iovskaya HPP in Murmansk Oblast. The event has marked a completion of modernisation on this hydroelectric power plant located on the Kola Peninsula.

19 November 2014

TGC-1 announced as the most profitable energy company of the Northwestern Region

An award ceremony for “The Northwestern Region’s 200 most profitable companies” rating leaders has been held within “The Region’s Economics. Who will provide for growth?” forum arranged by Business Management magazine.

17 November 2014

Less then a week left to submit art works for the Turn Your Head On animation and graphic art competition

The deadline for the Turn On Your Head animation and graphic art competition is November 22, 2014. There are already more than 100 art works in the virtual gallery at My Energy portal.

17 November 2014

Alexey Barvinok is elected as JSC TGC-1 General Director

On 14 November, the TGC-1 Board of Directors has elected Alexey Barvinok as the Company’s General Director. Andrey Filippov took an early resignation due to a change of work.