Company News

30 December 2016

The photo exhibition Construction of Volhovskaya HPP opened in St. Petersburg

As part of festive events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Volhovskaya HPP, on December 30, the photo exhibition, showing the construction of the first project under the plan of GOELRO, opened in the Ladozhskiy Railway Station's passage

29 December 2016

45 years of Poduzhemskaya HPP

On December 29, Poduzhemskaya HPP is celebrating its 45th anniversary. The plant was commissioned in 1971

23 December 2016

Power specialists and SKA-Serebryanie Lvy hockey club fulfilled children's dreams

On December 23, 2016 the master classes in figure skating and hockey for children from the Centre for the Promotion of Family Education No. 5 were held in Tavrichesky Sad entertainment complex


21 December 2016

40 years of Petrozavodskaya CHPP

On December 21, 2016, it has been 40 years since Petrozavodskaya CHPP was commissioned

19 December 2016

PJSC TGC-1 has awarded the best managers of the houses of the Northwest

А new TGC-1 project The best manager of the house has started in St. Petersburg. The first event was the round table where the best managers of the housing and utility sector of the Northwest met.

13 December 2016

Vygostrovskaya HPP is celebrating its 55th anniversary

On December 13, Vygostrovskaya HPP of the Karelskiy Branch of TGC-1 is celebrating its anniversary

19 December 2016

Volkhovskaya HPP is celebrating its 90th anniversary

The Monument has been opened in Volkhov, Leningrad Region in honour of constructors and power engineers of Volkhovskaya HPP that was the first hydroelectric power plant built 90 years ago according to the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) plan. The monument's basis was the equipment that produced Volkhovstroy's electricity for the first time in December, 1926 and was dismantled several years ago.