Company News

27 October 2021

Automatic transfer of data on the technical state of the equipment is introduced at TGC-1 facilities

With it, the data exchange will be faster, and assessment of the equipment condition will take less time.

26 October 2021

TGC-1 Releases 9M 2021 Operational Performance Results

In January-September 2021 TGC-1 electricity output, including JSC Murmanskaya CHPP, comprised 21,823.8 million kWh, up by 8.51% year-on-year.

26 October 2021

TGC-1 Releases 9M 2021 RAS Financial Results

TGC-1 releases 9M 2021 financial statements under the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS).

19 October 2021

TGC-1 Power Engineers Complete the First Phase of Work to Reduce the Noise Level at the Petrozavodskaya CHPP

On 15 October, an improved silencer was commissioned at the steam outlet of Boiler No. 2. Installing similar silencers on the other two boilers will keep noise to a minimum.

19 October 2021

TGC-1 Increases the Reliability of the Apatitskaya CHPP

The replacement of five circuit breakers of an outdoor 150 kV switchgear has been completed at the Apatitskaya CHPP of TGC-1 PJSC. Outdated oil circuit breakers were replaced with modern SF6 equipment.

04 October 2021

Power Engineers of TGC-1 Increase the Stability and Reliability of the Power Equipment at the Putkinskaya HPP as part of the Northern Transit Project

As a result of the Northern Transit project implementation, the throughput of the Kola-Karelian transit will increase by 1.5 times.