Upgrading of Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP
Since 2015
About the Plant
Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP plays a key role in the power system of Murmansk Oblast: it provides electricity transmission to Karelia and serves as a reserve for the entire Northern energy district. Four hydroelectric generating units were installed at the plant.
In 2015, the Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP upgrade project was considered one of the Company's high-priority investment projects.
The main objectives of the upgrade are out-of-date equipment replacement and increase of operating reliability with requirements to HPP operation modes taking into consideration. Taking into account the importance of Verkhne-Tulomskaya HPP for Murmansk Oblast's power system, the highest requirements were set for the project: the new equipment has to meet the modern standards for reliability, safety and ecology. The work will be performed in stages over several years.
Upgrade Effects
- Improvement of the reliability of HPP operation and consumers' power supply;
- Electric capacity improvement;
- Increase in energy conversion efficiency of hydroelectric generating units;
- Improvement of the equipment environmental impact.